Sunday, July 13, 2008

Epiphanies in life are sometimes literally skin-deep.

omg! i just had my first successful nose peel in my life

bought this 2-step nose thingy for fun, from bkk's Beauty Buffet (an equivalent of bodyshop/ faceshop) and never occured to me it would work. im a classic beauty-product-cynic (this product i'm raving about is evidently a slip of my usual alert cynical self after being doused with some holiday joy naively thinking all is good .. but but but this is a fortunate slip!)

step1 is this orangey citrusy scrub with miniscule molecules and once you rub them on your nose it instantly gets all tingly. this supposedly clarifies your pores.
step2 means time for a mask after you've washed off remnents of step1. spread sticky thick white layer and it forms a peel-off mask within a while (idk how long is this while i was busy chictopia-ing). there i was, all annoyed that i had to leave my study room and beloved laptop, thinking what a chore is was to try peel/ rub/ scratch off this white nonsense off my nose.. but tadahhh the entire white layer peeled off nicely and the most amazing thing was i could see my white/ blackheads on it!


it cost me like 190baht hello as compared to 40sing Origins which, now that i'm reminded, is actually hibernating in the bathroom serving a function no less decorative than .. the clock next to it which has silently stopped working at 4:20 on an unknown day.

/p.s. the worrywart me is now upset that my small tubes of steps1 &2 will run out in no time and i'll be left with strawberry nose again!!!